Avoiding will disputes due to mental illness


In all states it's important for will makers to have 'testamentary capacity', which is to say that they have sound mental capacity to make decisions. If you are suffering from a mental illness and would like to make a will that cannot be disputed due claims of you not being of sound mental capacity at the time it was drawn up, consider these tips and steps. Obtain medical clearance Before you have a will drawn up, particularly if you have a regular GP or psychologist who is familiar with the passage of your illness, it is useful to get an assessment of your mental capacity from them.

19 October 2015

Conditions You Must Fulfill If Your Partner Visa Application Includes a Child


Many people sponsor spouses during their partner visa application process. However, some of those applications hit a snag when the person applying for the visa does not provide all the information that the authorities need to confirm that he or she is legally allowed to decide where a non-biological child resides. This article discusses some of the information that your partner may be expected to provide before he or she is allowed into Australia with a child who isn't his/her biological child.

13 October 2015